West Chicago Voice - About Us : The voice of West Chicago, Illinois - digital local news - for locals by locals .

Letters To The Editor

Sharing is Caring, WeGo!

When we decided to launch the West Chicago Voice, intrinsically , we knew our best content would come from YOU, local residents and business owners. We grew up with print media, and we got the local, weekly newspaper and always read the letters to the editor section. Heck, we even wrote a few letters to the editor back in the day. This of course was prior to the advent of social media. However, we want Voice readers to know that letters to the editor are welcome, and can be submitted directly to us via email at Hello@WestChicagoVoice.com or by using the contact form located here.

Letters to the editor are the OG of comment boards and the predecessors of social media . They’re a way to let people know your opinion about something that is relatable to the life of the town you call home. Since the birth of newspapers, concerned individuals have been climbing onto their little soapboxes and penning letters to the powers that be. If you have an issue as to how something was presented in a newspaper, your first line of defense is to take paper to pen (or keyboard to email these days) and let your thoughts be known. Mostly, people submit letters to the editor with the purpose of the writer to vent and/or express an opinion about a certain topic, perhaps in great detail. In some cases, the writer is responding to a previously published editorial or opinion piece to offer a contrary or supporting viewpoint.

If there is something you don’t like that is happening in WeGo, let us know. If you think the way a story was put together rubbed you the wrong way, have at it. If you want to THANK someone or publicly give them a shout out based on above and beyond neighborly behavior or actions, we want you to send it in. We’re here to serve you and provide a platform for open discourse, discussion and objective presentation of local news affecting West Chicago.

We’d like you to know though, that just because you submit it , that doesn’t mean it will be printed 100% of the time. We promise we’ll read them all, but anything with libelous, profane, vulgar, hateful or otherwise damaging, negative content won’t make it past our desk, in general, we will automatically reject letters that include profanity, libelous statements, personal attacks against individuals or specific organizations, or those that are unreasonably long (our limit is up to 300 words), you must include your legal name and a valid email address along with the submission as well. Letters from anonymous sources will not be published.

Letters to the editor should be 500 words or less.
Email them to us at: WestChicagoVoice@Gmail.com