West Chicago Voice - About Us : The voice of West Chicago, Illinois - digital local news - for locals by locals .

Send Us Your News

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Received an award? Accomplished something awesome? Family growing?  We want to hear about it! Send us your news. Our best content comes from you, our local community members.

General News

Business News : Examples may include a noteworthy promotion, a new product debut, new location, opening a new business or closing after serving the community a long time, retirement, website launch,

School News : Calendars, changes to schedule, closings, vacations or holidays, awards, new teachers or retirement,

Birth Announcements : Parents names, Name of Baby, D.O.B., Length and Weight – siblings names

Example:  Benjamin Mark Doe was Born to John and Jane Doe on 06-01-2023 at 08:32 am , weighing 8lbs. 1 ounce, and measurings 21 inches long. Sister Jenny welcomed Benjamin home

Engagement Announcements: Include couple’s first and last names, parents and where they live, when they plan to marry,  what the couple does for a living is optional but can also be included. If you’d like to submit a photo with the engagement announcement, please email it directly with the annoucement to our office : Hello@WestChicagoVoice.com

Example: Bill and Nancy Doe of West Chicago are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jane Doe to Jim McDoe of Naperville, Illinois. Jane is a second grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary school in Anytown and Jim is employed as a truck route driver for Frito-Lay in Naperville. The couple is planning a March 2027 wedding. 

Wedding Announcements: Include couple’s first and last names, parents and where they live, wedding details such as date, location, any local attendant’s names, and if there were any special guests or out of town guests in attendance. If you’d like to submit a photo with the wedding announcement, please email it directly with the annoucement to our office : Hello@WestChicagoVoice.com

Example: Jane Doe was married to Jim McDoe on Friday, April 1, 2023 at Church of The Redeemer located in Naperville, Illinois. Jane is the daughter of Bill and Nancy Doe of West Chicago and Jim McDoe is the son of Jack McDoe and the late Stella McDoe of Glenview. The couple will reside in Winfield after returning from their honeymoon in Dubai. Special out of town guests were Bill and Veronica Masters of Coral Gables Florida. The bride’s great, great grandmother Anna McDoe was also in attendance. Local grooms attendants were Larry Miller and Nick Donaldson. Local Bridesmaids were the bride’s Alpha Kappa Alpha sorrority sisters, Jill Roberts and McKenna Jackson.

Obituaries : We think it’s a crime to charge people for these so ours are FREE. There is a 200 word limit for our free obituaries. Free entries are for local residents, or long time residents that have moved away but still have ties to the community. If you’d like to submit a photo with the obituary, please email it directly with the obituary to our office : Hello@WestChicagoVoice.com 

(if your obituary is longer than 200 words, plus a photo, there is a nominal charge for this, just to cover our expenses, please email for information: Hello@WestChicagoVoice.com )

Awards and Accomplishments, Dean’s List or Graduation Announcements

Noteworthy Milestone Birthdays (80, 90, 100 and beyond!)

School reunions

Club or Meetings open to the public announcements

If you need any information from us, or want to submit general news, either email it to our office: WestChicagoVoice@Gmail.com