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Dog Outdoor Dining Class Offered By Anderson Humane in South Elgin

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Even though summer will soon be winding down, the outdoor dining experience usually continues into fall in the local area. Anderson Humane, an humane society animal Shelter located in South Elgin is inviting people to attend a class with their pups to learn how to help them feel comfortable in outdoor public spaces such as patios, sidewalk dining and outdoor food fests.

Do you want to learn how to teach your dog to settle next to you in a public space? Enjoy a drink with Anderson Humane while they teach you. Anderson Humane is piloting a “Dining Outdoors” class where they will introduce participants and their pooches to engage, relax, and learn advocacy techniques in order to have an enjoyable time outside with your dog.

This class is held outside, at Pollyanna Brewing & Distilling Company, located at 106 S Riverside Ave, St. Charles, IL

To register for this outdoor dining class follow this link

Anderson also offers puppy preschool and a doggie middle school, use the QR code to sign up for these classes

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