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Assault Weapon Registration FAQ’s

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Protect Illinois Communities Act, Regulation on Assault Weapons

People who own select firearms and other items now prohibited under Illinois’s assault weapons ban still need to register them with the Illinois State Police (ISP). But ISP says it plans to hold additional public hearings about that process and may refine the rules before they become permanent next year.

On January 10, 2023, Governor JB Pritzker signed into law Public Act 102-1116 during a lame-duck session. the Protect Illinois Communities Act (Act). The Act regulates the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches in Illinois. The act came in response to a mass shooting at an Independence Day parade in 2022 in Highland Park, Illinois. The Act went into effect immediately upon signing. Individuals who possessed assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and other devices listed in the Act before it took effect are required to submit an endorsement affidavit through their Firearm Owner’s Identification Card account.

On September 15, 2023, ISP filed an emergency rule with the Illinois Secretary of State to implement the Act. The emergency rule can be found by clicking here.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Explained About This New Act:

  • Persons who possess as the result of a sale or transfer with a background check initiated to the Illinois State Police on or before January 10, 2023, which is allowed to be completed after that date pursuant to subsection (f) may complete the required endorsement affidavit indicating possession prior to the statutorily required deadline. See 720 ILCS 524-1.9(c),(d) and (f).
  • If you are hunting with a weapon under this new legislation you can comply by doing the following: The weapon must be legally possessed, including but not limited to compliance with the FOID Act. If you are hunting on private property, you must have permission from the landowner, the weapon must be authorized for hunting use under the Wildlife Code, and the hunter must have the appropriate licenses, permits, tags, etc. If you are hunting on DNR lands, the weapon must be authorized for hunting use under the Wildlife Code, and the hunter must have the appropriate licenses, permits, tags, etc. If you own the weapon and your possession extends beyond hunting use, you must complete an endorsement affidavit no later than January 1, 2024, unless you are otherwise exempt from the endorsement affidavit provisions.
  • If you’re a federal firearms license holder, you can sell an AR-15 or assault weapon or high capacity magazine to qualified law enforcement or retired law enforcement officer for personal use (as long as they have proper credentials)- see below:  720 ILCS 5/24-1.9(e)(2)(assault weapon ban) and 720 ILCS 5/241.10(e)(2)(large capacity ammunition ban) define “qualified law enforcement officers” to mean any employee of a governmental agency who—
  1. is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and has statutory powers of arrest or apprehension;
  2. is authorized by the agency to carry a firearm;
  3. is not the subject of any disciplinary action by the agency which could result in suspension or loss of police powers;
  4. meets standards, if any, established by the agency which require the employee to regularly qualify in the use of a firearm;
  5. is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance; and
  6. is not prohibited by Federal law from receiving a firearm.
  7. An individual or FFL should require proof that the buyer meets these conditions prior to transferring a regulated weapon or large-capacity ammunition device.
  • FFLs can sell their prohibited stock to out-of-state FFLS
  • If an Illinois resident has an AR 15 or an assault weapon prior to the passage of this Act, they can legally possess the firearm within 90 days from the effective date, the Illinois resident can legally possess the firearm on private property owned or immediately controlled by the person, on private property that is not open to the public with the express permission of the person who owns or immediately controls such property, while on premises of a licensed firearms dealer or gunsmith for lawful repair, at a licensed firing range or sport shooting competition venue, or while traveling to and from these locations.
  • An Illinois resident may keep any AR 15 or assault weapon that has been defined as an assault weapon under the new law if the firearm was owned prior to the effective date of the law and registered between October 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024.
  • In the coming months, more detailed information will be made available on how to register the firearm. At this time, you cannot submit an affidavit for registration. The endorsement affidavit will be available by October 1, 2023, and must be signed under oath and submitted to the ISP prior to January 1, 2024.
  • What is the fee to register my firearms? There is no fee to register an AR 15 or other assault weapon.
  • How can residents sell or transfer an AR 15 or assault weapon? After October 1, 2023, Illinois residents can transfer and sell their assault weapons by completing the endorsement affidavit and submitting it to the Illinois State Police, then beginning January 1, 2024, they may transfer the assault weapon to an heir, an individual residing in another state maintaining it in another state, or a federal firearms dealer.
  • What is considered a large-capacity ammunition-feeding device? A magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition for long guns and more than 15 rounds of ammunition for handguns; or any combination of parts from which a device described can be assembled. See 720 ILCS 5/24-1.10(a).
  • If Illinois residents own a standard magazine with a capacity of 15 rounds . However, magazine extensions can be purchased to convert my magazine to hold more than 15 rounds. Is my 15-round magazine illegal simply because an extension can be purchased? Public Act 102-1116 states a “Large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition for long guns and more than 15 rounds of ammunition for handguns.“ A 15-round magazine without an extension kit is legal.
  • Can Illinois Residents keep the large capacity ammunition feeding device they currently own? Yes. If, they legally owned it prior to January 11, 2023, and abide by the limitations within the Act as to where it may be possessed. See 720 ILCS 5/24-1.9(d).
  • Can Illinois residents sell or transfer the high-capacity magazines they currently own? Yes, Illinois residents may legally transfer the large capacity ammunition feeding device to an heir, an individual residing in another state maintaining it in another state, a federal firearms dealer, or one of the limited number of people who may purchase under Section 24-1.10(e); however, notification must be made to the Illinois State Police.
  • How can a non-resident of Illinois legally travel through Illinois with an assault weapon or high-capacity ammunition magazines? Any nonresident who transports, within 24 hours, a weapon from where they may lawfully possess it to another place they may lawfully possess it must ensure the weapon is unloaded and neither the weapon nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment during transport. If the vehicle doesn’t have a compartment outside of the driver’s compartment, the weapon or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.
  • Can a .22 caliber weapon potentially fall under this legislation? Yes, while.50 caliber rifles and cartridges are specifically prohibited, any weapon that fits the definition of an “Assault Weapon” would be prohibited regardless of the caliber. The only exception for .22 caliber ammunition is specifically limited to fixed magazines, large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and semiautomatic rifles with a fixed magazine capable of operating only with .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
  • What happens if a resident fails to comply with this Act? Failing to complete and submit the required endorsement affidavit is a violation of Illinois law – specifically, the FOID Act (Class A misdemeanor) and the Criminal Code of 2012 (1st offense – Class A misdemeanor; second or subsequent offense – Class 3 Felony). Persons who violate the endorsement affidavit requirements may be arrested and charged.
  • How will this law be enforced? Law enforcement agencies, including the ISP, are charged with enforcing the Protecting Illinois Communities Act throughout the state. ISP will continue to enforce the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act and Article 24 of the Criminal Code of 2012 by partnering with local law enforcement through our Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force. The task force is a collaborative effort to reduce and prevent illegal possession and use of firearms, firearm-related homicides, and other violent crimes.
  • Can an assault weapon, assault weapon attachment, .50 caliber rifle, .50 caliber cartridge device, or large capacity ammunition feeding device be transferred to a next of kin upon the family member’s death? These items may only be transferred to
    • persons exempt from the assault weapons regulation by subsection 1.9(e) or 1.10(e) of the Act OR
    • an heir, which includes any person or entity who is entitled to receive a distribution pursuant to intestate succession, will, trust, or other method permitted by law upon the death of the owner.
  • Are members of the armed forces exempt from this Act? Members of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of the U.S. or Illinois National Guard are exempt while in the performance of their official duties; however, the exemption is only while in the performance of their official duties. Accordingly, if they own the weapon and possess it outside the performance of their official duties, they are subject to the endorsement affidavit provisions.

This is just a sampling of some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the PICA , for more detailed information go to the Illinois State Police website here.

Ley de Protección de las Comunidades de Illinois, Reglamento sobre armas de asalto

Las personas que poseen determinadas armas de fuego y otros artículos ahora prohibidos según la prohibición de armas de asalto de Illinois aún deben registrarlas ante la Policía Estatal de Illinois (ISP). Pero ISP dice que planea celebrar audiencias públicas adicionales sobre ese proceso y puede perfeccionar las reglas antes de que se vuelvan permanentes el próximo año.

El 10 de enero de 2023, el gobernador JB Pritzker promulgó la Ley Pública 102-1116 durante una sesión saliente. la Ley de Protección de las Comunidades de Illinois (Ley). La Ley regula la venta y distribución de armas de asalto, cargadores de alta capacidad e interruptores en Illinois. El acto se produjo en respuesta a un tiroteo masivo en un desfile del Día de la Independencia en 2022 en Highland Park, Illinois. La Ley entró en vigor inmediatamente después de su firma. Las personas que poseían armas de asalto, cargadores de alta capacidad y otros dispositivos enumerados en la Ley antes de que entrara en vigor deben presentar una declaración jurada de respaldo a través de su cuenta de Tarjeta de identificación de propietario de armas de fuego.

El 15 de septiembre de 2023, ISP presentó una norma de emergencia ante la Secretaría de Estado de Illinois para implementar la ley. La regla de emergencia se puede encontrar haciendo clic aquí.

Algunas preguntas frecuentes y hechos explicados sobre esta nueva ley:

Las personas que posean como resultado de una venta o transferencia con una verificación de antecedentes iniciada ante la Policía Estatal de Illinois el 10 de enero de 2023 o antes, que se permite completar después de esa fecha de conformidad con la subsección (f), pueden completar la declaración jurada de respaldo requerida. indicando posesión antes del plazo legalmente requerido. Véase 720 ILCS 524-1.9(c), (d) y (f).
Si está cazando con un arma según esta nueva legislación, puede cumplir haciendo lo siguiente: El arma debe estar en posesión legal, incluido, entre otros, el cumplimiento de la Ley FOID. Si está cazando en una propiedad privada, debe tener permiso del propietario del terreno, el arma debe estar autorizada para uso de caza según el Código de Vida Silvestre y el cazador debe tener las licencias, permisos, etiquetas, etc. apropiados. Si está cazando según el DNR tierras, el arma debe estar autorizada para uso de caza según el Código de Vida Silvestre, y el cazador debe tener las licencias, permisos, etiquetas, etc. apropiados. Si usted es dueño del arma y su posesión se extiende más allá del uso de caza, debe completar una declaración jurada de respaldo no a más tardar el 1 de enero de 2024, a menos que esté exento de las disposiciones de la declaración jurada de endoso.

Si es titular de una licencia federal de armas de fuego, puede vender un AR-15 o un arma de asalto o un cargador de alta capacidad a agentes de la ley calificados o a agentes de la ley retirados para uso personal (siempre que tengan las credenciales adecuadas); consulte a continuación: 720 ILCS 5/24-1.9(e)(2)(prohibición de armas de asalto) y 720 ILCS 5/241.10(e)(2)(prohibición de municiones de gran capacidad) definen “agentes de aplicación de la ley calificados” como cualquier empleado de una agencia gubernamental. OMS-
está autorizado por ley para participar o supervisar la prevención, detección, investigación, enjuiciamiento o encarcelamiento de cualquier persona por cualquier violación de la ley, y tiene poderes legales de arresto o aprehensión;
está autorizado por la agencia para portar un arma de fuego;
no es objeto de ninguna acción disciplinaria por parte de la agencia que podría resultar en la suspensión o pérdida de los poderes policiales;
cumple con los estándares, si los hubiera, establecidos por la agencia que requieren que el empleado califique regularmente en el uso de un arma de fuego;
no está bajo la influencia del alcohol u otra droga o sustancia intoxicante o alucinatoria; y
La ley federal no prohíbe recibir un arma de fuego.
Un individuo o FFL debe exigir prueba de que el comprador cumple con estas condiciones antes de transferir un arma regulada o un dispositivo de munición de gran capacidad.
Los FFL pueden vender sus acciones prohibidas a FFLS de fuera del estado

Si un residente de Illinois tiene un AR 15 o un arma de asalto antes de la aprobación de esta Ley, puede poseer legalmente el arma de fuego dentro de los 90 días a partir de la fecha de entrada en vigor, el residente de Illinois puede poseer legalmente el arma de fuego en una propiedad privada que sea propiedad de o esté inmediatamente controlada por la persona, en propiedad privada que no está abierta al público con el permiso expreso de la persona que posee o controla inmediatamente dicha propiedad, mientras se encuentra en las instalaciones de un comerciante de armas de fuego o armero autorizado para reparación legal, en un campo de tiro autorizado o tiro deportivo lugar de la competencia, o mientras viaja hacia y desde estos lugares.
Un residente de Illinois puede conservar cualquier AR 15 o arma de asalto que haya sido definida como arma de asalto según la nueva ley si el arma de fuego era propiedad antes de la fecha de entrada en vigor de la ley y estaba registrada entre el 1 de octubre de 2023 y el 1 de enero de 2024.

En los próximos meses se dispondrá de información más detallada sobre cómo registrar el arma de fuego. En este momento, no puede presentar una declaración jurada para el registro. La declaración jurada de respaldo estará disponible el 1 de octubre de 2023 y deberá firmarse bajo juramento y enviarse al ISP antes del 1 de enero de 2024.
¿Cuál es la tarifa para registrarse?

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