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Operation Rising Spirit Encourages Letters of Support To Illinois Veterans During The Holiday Season

Operation Rising Spirit Encourages Letters of Support To Illinois Veterans During The Holiday Season - West Chicago news - newspaper, local news for West Chicago Illinois
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The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs launches a letter-writing campaign to show support to veterans in their care at its five residential homes

The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) today launched the 2023 “Operation Rising Spirit,” campaign encouraging service organizations, schools, communities, and individuals to write letters of appreciation and support to veterans residing at the state veterans’ homes in Anna, Chicago, LaSalle, Manteno, and Quincy.
“Last year, over 5,000 letters were distributed to veterans in our care which provided an abundance of holiday cheer into the homes,” said Director Terry Prince. “We encourage volunteer groups, families, and schools to participate in this kind gesture of gratitude to Illinois veterans.”
To participate, notes may be sent directly to the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. Letters will be disseminated equally to the five homes:
Crystal Womack
The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs
Central Office
833 South Spring Street
Springfield, IL 62794-9432
Notes may also be sent directly through the IDVA website: https://www2.illinois.gov/veterans/services%20benefits/homes/Pages/send-a-note.aspx
Operation Rising Spirit was launched in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to support residents who were unable to visit with family and friends. The successful campaign encouraged veterans and facilitated their connection with the community.


El Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de Illinois lanza una campaña de envío de cartas para mostrar apoyo a los veteranos bajo su cuidado en sus cinco hogares residenciales

El Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de Illinois (IDVA) lanzó hoy la campaña “Operación Rising Spirit” de 2023, que alienta a las organizaciones de servicios, escuelas, comunidades e individuos a escribir cartas de agradecimiento y apoyo a los veteranos que residen en los hogares de veteranos del estado en Anna, Chicago. , LaSalle, Manteno y Quincy.

“El año pasado, se distribuyeron más de 5,000 cartas a los veteranos bajo nuestro cuidado, lo que proporcionó abundante alegría navideña en los hogares”, dijo el director Terry Prince. “Alentamos a los grupos de voluntarios, familias y escuelas a participar en este amable gesto de gratitud hacia los veteranos de Illinois”.

Para participar, se pueden enviar notas directamente al Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de Illinois. Las cartas se difundirán por igual a los cinco hogares:

Mujer de cristal
El Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de Illinois
Oficina central
833 Calle Primavera Sur
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9432

Las notas también se pueden enviar directamente a través del sitio web de IDVA: https://www2.illinois.gov/veterans/services%20benefits/homes/Pages/send-a-note.aspx

Operation Rising Spirit se lanzó en 2020 durante el apogeo de la pandemia de COVID-19 para apoyar a los residentes que no pudieron visitar a familiares y amigos. La exitosa campaña animó a los veteranos y facilitó su conexión con la comunidad.

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