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WorkNet Dupage Presents Job Search Speaker, Conor Cunneen On Friday

WorkNet Dupage Presents Job Search Speaker, Conor Cunneen On Friday
Sharing is Caring, WeGo!
Conor Cunneen, one of the most popular Let’s Talk Job Search presenters, is back.
In this program, Irishman Speaks – Conor Cunneen will discuss how you can create a compelling personal brand that will have the recruiter saying, “You are the right person for this job!”
Speaker bio
Conor Cunneen – Irishman Speaks is happily exiled in Naperville where he says the Guinness is good – the natives are friendly, and he has been force-fed more corned beef and green beer than he ever had in Ireland.
He has a deep and abiding passion for those in job search and as an Irishman is proud to be a recipient of the President’s Gold Medal for Volunteer Service, for the work he does with the unemployed, from President Obama. As a business speaker, his clients range from Harley-Davidson to Helsinki, from Memphis to Madrid.
Conor is an author (including two books on Mark Twain) and a Chicago Humorous Speaker of the Year, so expect both laughter and learning at this event!
Register today and Let’s Talk! with Conor Cunneen on March 8th.

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