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June 17 Public Affairs Committee Meeting – Cancelled

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“The City’s Public Affairs Committee meets the third Monday of each month at 6:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 475 Main Street, unless otherwise posted. A general description of this Committee is available on the City website:

The Public Affairs Committee serves as a critical overseer of various public-facing functions. Their responsibilities involve monitoring and providing approval for key aspects of city life. They oversee The City Museum, ensuring its maintenance, accessibility, and cultural relevance for the community. The committee is also responsible for public events, approving and facilitating gatherings that promote community engagement and well-being. In the realm of code enforcement, they review and approve policies and regulations to maintain the city’s integrity and safety. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in overseeing law enforcement, ensuring that the police department operates in accordance with the law and maintains public safety. In these capacities, the Public Affairs Committee contributes to the vibrancy, culture, and safety of the City, fostering a thriving community.

Members: Committee Members: Aldermen Heather Brown, Alton Hallett, Melissa Birch Ferguson, John C. Smith, and Jeanne Short, Chairperson Lori Chassee”

– Source: City of West Chicago Website

Members of the public are welcome to speak at Commission and Committee meetings for the purpose of addressing the Commission members with concerns of comments regarding issues of City Business. All public comments should be made in accordance with the City’s adopted public participation rules.


The June 17, 2024 meeting of the Civil Service Commission is cancelled

per the City of West Chicago’s Website.


To View the previous month’s meeting minutes, click here.(June 3 2024)

As your trusted hometown newspaper, the West Chicago Voice is dedicated to keeping our community informed and engaged in local governance. We strive to provide comprehensive coverage of meetings and topics of significance within our local government, ensuring that our readers are well-informed about the agenda, location, and timing of each meeting. By staying up-to-date with our coverage, residents can actively participate and have their voices heard in the decision-making process. Don’t miss out on crucial updates about meetings, committees, and any changes to their schedules – subscribe to the West Chicago Voice for FREE by clicking here. Join us in shaping the future of our community together. Join the conversation, join the Voice’s Facebook Group (here) and follow our Facebook page (here)

“La Comisión de Servicio Civil de la Ciudad se reúne el segundo martes de cada mes a las 5 p. m. en el Ayuntamiento de West Chicago ubicado en 475 Main Street, a menos que se indique lo contrario. La Comisión de Servicio Civil está establecida por el Estatuto Estatal y existe para evaluar las prácticas de contratación de la Ciudad para La policía garantiza que la ciudad reclute y seleccione de manera imparcial candidatos calificados para el empleo. También escucha casos de disciplina de empleados: Keith Letsche (presidente), Kevin Millon y Edmond Moore.”

– Fuente: Sitio web de la ciudad de West Chicago

Los miembros del público son bienvenidos a hablar en las reuniones de la Comisión con el fin de dirigirse a los miembros de la Comisión con inquietudes sobre comentarios relacionados con cuestiones de negocios de la ciudad. Todos los comentarios públicos deben realizarse de acuerdo con las reglas de participación pública adoptadas por la Ciudad.

Se cancela la reunión del 11 de junio de 2024 de la Comisión de Servicio Civil

según el sitio web de la ciudad de West Chicago.

Para ver las actas de las reuniones del mes anterior, haga clic aquí (mayo de 2024).

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