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80’s Tunes On Tuesday in Bloomingdale

Sharing is Caring, WeGo!

Jolly Ringwalds Appear on June 18 at this  Free event Presented by the Bloomingdale Park District, Bloomingdale

The Jolly Ringwalds are a neon carousel of 80s celebration. Their cornucopia of the best dance, rock, and new wave of the decade will keep audiences on their feet as well as re-introduce them to the songs they forgot they loved.


Jolly Ringwalds aparecerá el 18 de junio en este evento gratuito presentado por Bloomingdale Park District, Bloomingdale

Los Jolly Ringwalds son un carrusel de neón de la celebración de los 80. Su cornucopia del mejor dance, rock y new wave de la década mantendrá al público en pie y les reintroducirá las canciones que olvidaron que amaban.