Ribfest is the major fundraiser put on every year by the Exchange Club of Naperville to help fight child abuse and domestic violence, while strengthening families in our local communities. As a result of these fundraising efforts, in Ribfest’s 32 years, over $18 million has been contributed back to our local communities in support of these causes.
Ribfest blends community, entertainment, and of course award-winning ribs from vendors across the country.
For Ribfest 2023, there will be a $5.00 admission price. This price includes entrance to park to enjoy the Ribbers, Expos, Family Fun Area and Rides.
This does not include the concert area.
Those that purchase a concert area ticket, the admission price is included in your ticket price.
To purchase park tickets online ($3.75 + fee)(3 yrs and under free), go hereTo purchase park tickets online ($3.75 + fee)(3 yrs and under free), go here
Hours of Operation
Friday September 15th, 12pm-10pm
Saturday September 16th, 12pm-10pm
Sunday, September 17th, 12pm-8pm
The festival will be held this year at the DuPage Event Center & Fairgrounds: 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton, IL
To check out their full entertainment schedule and for more details on tickets go to their website here. go to their website here.
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