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WCFPD K9 Thor Helps Find Missing Person

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Another busy day for the K9 and Drone Strike team. In the early morning hours of Sunday, October 16th the team was dispatched by RED Center and requested by the Wheeling Police and Fire Departments to assist in locating a person missing for over 5 hours. After a quick briefing with police our command post was set up and West Chicago Fire Protection District K9 Thor started a track at the missing person resin’sresidence. Village of Romeoville fire departments K9 Roy arrived on scene to continue the track. The patient was found ahead of SRST units by the Wheeling Battalion Chief. Later in the afternoon the team was requested by the Glen Ellyn Police Department to assist in locating a missing elderly. K9 Fable from the Hillside Fire Department started a track at the residence and started tracking the missing until the patient was located by police department.

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