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ABATE Endorses Political Candidates and Offers Scholarship

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ABATE  is one of the largest motorcycle & rider rights organizations in the world. Their local Political Action Committee grades political candidates based on how they view motorcyclists’ rights (motorcyclist profiling, ethanol, autonomous vehicles, off-road motorcycles, etc) and in turn, they endorse candidates that will support keeping those rights intact. A few of the candidates ABATE Illinois endorsed in the 2024 Primary Election yesterday locally were State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro, State Representative Amy Grant, State Representative Dan Ugaste, and State Representative Barbara Hernandez. The Northeast Chapter of ABATE’s president, Chris Hansen said of the candidates and the reason they have been endorsed, “They have signed onto and passed legislation. Some have attended schools with us to talk to students about motorcycle safety and awareness. They attend our charitable events regularly. And they push motorcycle awareness”

The DuKane Chapter of ABATE (Northeast Chapter) holds their meetings at the American Legion in West Chicago, tonight the meeting will be at 7:30 pm followed by their Christmas party.

ABATE Illinois is offering a new scholarship program: ABATE of Illinois and ABATE Legal Services are proud to partner together to offer a scholarship for ABATE family members. One $2,500.00 scholarship will be awarded yearly to any ABATE of Illinois member, dependent or grandchild to be used for college or trade school education.
A written essay of 1500 to 2500 words covering the listed topic ideas concerning issues
supported by ABATE of Illinois.

Topic Ideas:
• What ABATE means to me.
• What ABATE of Illinois is about.
• Motorcycle and off-road experience
• Legislative issues concerning motorcycles and off-roading.
• Motorcycle safety or education
• Rider Education

The essay along with a cover letter containing the applicant’s name, address and affiliation to ABATE of Illinois can be either mailed or emailed to the ABATE State office no later than April 1 of each calendar year. The scholarship recipient will be announced at the April Board of Director’s meeting each year and the recipient’s essay will be featured in the ABATE of Illinois Newsletter. For more information contact the office at: ABATE of Illinois
PO Box 526, Avon, IL 61415-0526 or call 1-800-87-ABATE or 309-343-6588 or send an Email: office@abate-il.org

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