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American Legion Serves Ribs This Friday – La Legión Americana sirve costillas este viernes

The American Legion invites you to dine on Fri, Aug 9th -between 4-8pm. They’ll be serving BBQ ribs with all the fixings West Chicago Voice
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The American Legion invites you to come and dine with them on Friday, August 9th -between 4-8pm. They’ll be serving BBQ ribs with all the fixings Dinner includes fries, coleslaw, baked beans, corn-on-the-cob, and  jalapeno cornbread. Prices: Full slab ($22.00) or half slab ($17.00) pre-order please by calling: 630-231-2112
Fish-fry will also be available so come hungry!

La American Legion lo invita a cenar con ellos el 9 de agosto, entre las 4 y las 8 p. m. Servirán costillas BBQ con todas las guarniciones. La cena incluye papas fritas, ensalada de col, frijoles horneados, mazorcas de maíz y pan de maíz con jalapeño. Precios: Losa completa ($22.00) o media losa ($17.00) reserva por favor llamando al: 630-231-2112 También habrá pescado frito disponible, ¡así que ven con hambre!