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West Chicago Garden Club to Discuss Seed Starting Techniques

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The West Chicago Garden Club kicked off the new year with a lively and informative meeting on January 23, 2025, centered around seed-starting techniques. Long-time club members and seasoned gardeners Christina Covarubias, Jeff Handel, and Dan Beebe shared their expertise, providing a variety of methods for gardeners of all experience levels.

Christina Covarubias introduced the group to the concept of winter sowing, a simple yet effective technique that allows seeds to germinate outdoors in mini-greenhouses made from recycled containers. “Winter sowing eliminates the need for sunny windows or expensive grow lights,” Christina explained, “and it’s perfect for gardeners with limited indoor space.”

Jeff Handel offered insights into traditional indoor seed-starting methods, showcasing his tried-and-true setup. He discussed lighting, temperature control, and tips for transplanting seedlings. “Success comes from understanding your seeds’ needs and providing the right conditions,” Jeff shared. His presentation included a list of recommended supplies and a variety of seeds that have thrived under his care.

The final presentation was led by Dan Beebe, whose gardening operation is nothing short of impressive. Each year, Dan starts over 2,000 plants from seed, including 500 tomatoes, 500 peppers, 500 annual flowers, 250 herbs, and 250 other vegetables. “Seed starting isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a passion,” he said. Dan highlighted different tools and techniques he has experimented with, such as soil block makers, heat mats, and advanced grow light systems. He also discussed alternative methods he is currently testing to improve efficiency and yield.

The meeting concluded with a lively Q&A session, where attendees had the opportunity to seek advice and share their own experiences. Gardeners left the event inspired and equipped with practical tips to begin their own seed-starting adventures.

The West Chicago Garden Club meets monthly and welcomes both novice and experienced gardeners. For more information about future meetings or to join the club, visit their website at westchicagogardenclub.org.