West Chicago Voice - About Us : The voice of West Chicago, Illinois - digital local news - for locals by locals .
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, located at Prince Crossing and Geneva Roads in West Chicago is inviting the public to bring their beloved family pets for a blessing service. This is their 9th annual Blessing of the Animals service , and it will take place on Wednesday, October 4th at 6:00 pm in the church parking lot.

Blessing Of The Animals on St. Francis Day At St. Andrew on Wednesday – Bendición de los animales en el día de San Francisco en San Andrés el miércoles

Genesis 1:1 in the Bible, reveals that after God lovingly created all of the creatures of the Earth, He blessed them and then declared that they were good. We as a people love our pets, they are like parts of our families. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, located at Prince Crossing and Geneva Roads in West…

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Awanas for Preschoolers at GlenArbor Church

All community preschoolers are invited to attend the Awana Cubbies program at GlenArbor Church this fall. Open to all three and four year olds. The program takes place Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:15 pm Awana is an international children’s program, hosted by local churches. Cubbies enjoy games, puppets, dress-up, crafts, snacks, songs, Bible story time, and…

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New Name, New Hope!

First United Methodist Church of Wrst Chicago has a new name, New Hope United Methodist Church. They invite the public to join them to help celebrate the new name and learn more about them. The new name celebration will take place Saturday, September 30. The event is open house style so drop in anytime between…

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