NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of West Chicago will accept sealed bid proposals for the 2024 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Public Works until 11:00 A.M. local time on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, at the West Chicago Engineering Department, 1400 W Hawthorne Lane, West Chicago, Illinois, 60185, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Digital copies of the bid documents are available at for a non-refundable fee of $40.00. These documents may be downloaded by entering Quest Project Number #9096292 on If addenda are issued, you will automatically be notified by email to return to the website to access them. The base bid rehabilitation work will consist of approximately 1,820 LF of pre-construction cleaning and televising, 1,820 LF of 8″ cured-in-place pipelining (CIPP), grouting of approximately thirty (30) laterals, thirteen (13) protruding tap removals, thirty (30) CIPP lateral liner installations, thirty (30) laterals to be cleaned & televised, rehabilitation of nineteen (19) manholes, and restoration and other related and incidental work. The alternate bid rehabilitation work will consist of structural lining and rehabilitation of thirty-two (32) manholes, approximately 244 LF of pre-construction cleaning and televising, 244 LF of 15″ cured-in-place pipelining (CIPP) and restoration and other related and incidental work. All bid proposals are to be made on the forms provided and will be made a part of the contract documents to be executed with the City. Bid proposals are to be received in an opaque, sealed 9″x12″ or 10″x13′ envelope. The envelope shall be marked: “Proposal – 2024 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project”, and the name of the bidder No bidder may withdraw his/her bid after the scheduled closing time for a period of sixty (60) days. Minorities and Women Owned Businesses are encouraged to submit bids on these services. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals, to waive any informality in any bid proposal, to readvertise the proposed services, and to accept the proposal most advantageous to the City. If addenda are issued, you will automatically be notified by email to return to the website to access them. No questions will be accepted after 11:00 AM on Wednesday, July 31st, 2024. Addenda, if necessary, shall be submitted before Friday, August 2nd, 2024. Questions may be directed to Jack Flood via email at or by phone at (630) 877-6281. Valeria Perez, Executive Office Manager Published in Daily Herald July 17, 2024 (4617541) , posted 07/17/2024
This legal notice was published in a print publication recently. As a courtesy to the community, The West Chicago Voice is republishing the notice as the local area news source. (The West Chicago Voice is not a print publication and therefore does not meet the legal requirements for publication of such notices however, the editorial staff at the Voice feel local community members should be made aware of such notices so they can be involved in the process if they so desire; and also be able to benefit if they are made aware of an invitation to bid for their own local business thus stimulating the local economy and keeping even more dollars local and circulating amongst West Chicagoans-This notice has been published verbatim and only format or style such as bold, italic, etc may have been changed in the republishing of the notice) Click HERE to see the legal notice’s original publication in the other newspaper.
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Aviso de licitación: LA AUTORIDAD DEL AEROPUERTO DUPAGE ESTÁ SOLICITANDO OFERTAS CERRADAS PARA MEJORAS EN EL DRENAJE DE LA PLATAFORMA DE POWIS Los documentos de la licitación se pueden obtener comunicándose con Dan Barna, DuPage Airport Authority 2700 International Drive, Suite 200 West Chicago, IL 60185, de lunes a viernes, de 8 a. m. a 4:30 p. m. – 630-208-6184 o en Todos los contratos para la construcción de obras públicas están sujetos a la Ley de Salario Prevaleciente de Illinois (820 ILCS 130/1, et seq.) y al Aeropuerto DuPage Autoridad Código de Adquisiciones Sección 6-26 Responsabilidad de los Licitantes u Oferentes. Se aceptarán ofertas hasta las 14:00 horas. CST el 10 de junio de 2024
Este aviso legal fue publicado recientemente en una publicación impresa. Como cortesía para la comunidad, The West Chicago Voice vuelve a publicar el aviso como fuente de noticias del área local. (The West Chicago Voice no es una publicación impresa y, por lo tanto, no cumple con los requisitos legales para la publicación de dichos avisos; sin embargo, el personal editorial de Voice cree que los miembros de la comunidad local deben estar al tanto de dichos avisos para que puedan participar en el proceso. si así lo desean, y también podrán beneficiarse si se les informa de una invitación a licitar para su propio negocio local, estimulando así la economía local y manteniendo aún más dólares locales y circulando entre los habitantes de West Chicago. Este aviso ha sido publicado palabra por palabra y solo el formato o estilo como negrita, cursiva, etc. pueden haber sido cambiados en la republicación del aviso) Haga clic AQUÍ para ver la publicación original del aviso legal en el otro periódico.
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